Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Alex's Mom

For those of you don't know who Alex and his mom are, please click here. Go ahead, I'll wait.

OK, now that you know, what do you think about Alex's mom? Well, here is what I think...

Who the hell does this bitch think that she is? First off, if John McCain is elected President, doesn't she realize that he has a shelf life of about ten more years, max? Is he really going to be influential in determining foreign policy posthumously? Give me a break lady.

Does she plan on being so overbearing in poor little Alex's life that he won't be able to make his own decisions? Is she going to determine where he goes to college? Wears boxers or briefs? Who he marries? What car insurance he buys? What if little Alex grows up to be a six foot three, 240-lb bad ass that just can't wait to join the Marines and kill bad guys? What are you going to do then, Alex's mom?

And exactly who does this woman expect to defend and protect this country? Let someone else do it, I suppose. As Col. Jessup said in A Few Good Men, she rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom the military provides, then questions the manner in which they provide it.

I am glad to see that there are several patriots out there that have made their own video responses and posted them on youtube. Here is one of my favorites...

Maybe you should make a commercial offering up your own kids too!
I think it's more just a statement about how John McCain should probably not talk out his ass so much.

If sending our people to Iraq makes America safe... or prevented us from harm in the first place...

Hip - Funny that you should say that. One is in the works now! Nothing would make me more proud than hearing one of my children tell me that they wanted to serve their country.

Krissy - Sure it is, but I really hate the elitist attitude that people like her have. And remember, we have a volunteer military, so McCain is only counting on those who want to serve in the first place.

Ubes - We have been in Iraq for 5 years and haven't had a single terrorist attack in the US since. Is that just a coincidence? I don't think so.
A meteor hasn't landed on me since we've been in Iraq. Keep the troops in Iraq and keep me safe from meteors!
Flounder, are you ever gonna blog again?!?!?!
The military raised me and made me who I am today even though I've never served.

You know I have issues with the current administration and blah blah blah, but the military can be a damn good job and if you do it right can be very worthwhile.

I don't pretend to know all the answers, but I do know that you can't completely aline yourself with anybody...everybody is a snake oil salesman.
If it were 'protecting your country' don't you think it know, be IN your country?
You and I are on the same page, brotha.

I am back.

Rock on...McCain/Palin
Wow. A non-liberal blog! I LOVE YOU!!!
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