Monday, June 11, 2007

Things for which I am thankful today...

I did not invest one minute over the past seven years in becoming addicted to The Soprano's, therefor, I am not completely disappointed by the series finale.

My son threw a ball to me yesterday! Well, it was in my direction at least.

My new cell phone and provider kicks ass! No more dropped calls!

The closing date on my home sale has been moved up to this Friday, 6/15! Now I will really be able to enjoy my Father's Day!

I have a lot of friends that have good stuff, and they let me borrow their good stuff often. (This is not a drug reference!!)

I have a friend named Joe that is doing most of the renovation work on my new house. He only charges me $20/hour, he does really excellent work, and he has been running a tab until my house sold (his idea, not mine).

I have another friend named Morgan that has also done a ton of work on both houses, and he works for free because he loves me! I am taking both of them to the Nordic Lodge for a throwdown as a little "thank you" gift.

Dells Lemonade. It's a Rhode Island thing.

6/15 that's a good day...MY BIRTHDAY!!
congrats on it all
I am a HUGE sopranos fan and I loved the way it ended.

I am happy about the house settlement being moved up...that is always a good thing!

I meant to tell you about your phone...there is a defect in it because I had the same one and it is reportedly common. It will randomly dial people, and not neccessarily who you intend to call. The guy at the store told me that this is a daily complaint, so it wasn't just me.


Rock on.
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