Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Random Update

The original buyers of my house finally caved in and signed the papers to release the deposit to me. (Praise God!) We were able to list and show the house again, and the deposit just paid for my new kitchen cabinets!

Well, my house has sold... again! We accepted basically the same offer, but we are able to keep all of our appliances and the buyers are taking care of all of the pool repairs. We are closing on 6/21, so time is short for getting the new place ready, but I think that we will make it. (Again, praise God!)

I finally broke down and bought new cell phones for my wife and I. Though I still need to carry my crappy Cingular/AT&T phone for work, I now have a sweet Verizon LG Chocolate. I am quite sure that I will need to wait until Jake is old enough to teach me how to use it, but it looks really cool.

Jimmy Buffett is playing at the Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall, the site of like a hundred Ms. America pageants. I was born in the Frank Sinatra wing of the Atlantic City Medical Center, and I am a huge Parrotthead! Tickets sold out in 15 minutes, and I didn't get any. I will be at that show, one way or another. It is my density, err, destiny.

My brother and his wife are expecting their seventh child in December. Though it would be really easy to make a joke about having so many kids (It's a vagina, not a clown car!), I am truly happy for them. All of the kids are healthy and well-behaved and they are a very close family. One of my friend's made a comment that a parent always wants their child to have a better life than they had, and he didn't see how that was economically possible with seven children and one income. I told him that though they have to shop in thrift stores and vacation a little less, they already have a "better life" than my brother did because both parents live in the same house. My brother's mom and our dad divorced when he was very young, so his children already have a step up from his childhood.

The same friend had been out of work for the past year or so, and recently got a job. He started, then two weeks later resigned because a better offer came along. A month after he started the new job, he got a promotion and a raise. I on the other hand, have been in the same job for 5 years and have gotten only one raise. I guess that life really isn't fair.

A waitress at the Hooters where we have our Friday lunches told us that she was undergoing surgery last Saturday to remove a malignant cyst from her one of her ovaries. She is only 21, and it kind of bummed me out for the rest of the day. We went there for lunch yesterday, and I asked another waitress how the surgery went. She told me that the other girl was spotted out at a club drinking on Saturday night, so everything must have gone alright. Now this girl has the biggest implants that I have ever seen on a 5' 3" rack and she is telling tales of cancer and surgery? Can you say, Attention Whore?

yes i can say it ATTENTION WHORE...see it's chicks likethat i could ring their neck....grrrr!!!
so happy about your house keeping fingers crossed this one goes through
Glad you sold your house.

Is it wrong that after I had my biopsy I went out with friends and had a couple of drinks? Damn!
Congrats on the house sale!

I will be at Buffett in AC! WOO HOO!I am in need of a night of drinking endlessly and good music...

7 kids! 7 kids? They are better people then me because I would be either A) drunk mommy or B) mommy dearest with that many rugrats! Congrats on becoming an uncle again, and I wish them another beautiful and happy addition to their family!
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