Friday, May 04, 2007

Not so fast my friend!

Well, I thought that my house was sold. Turns out that the buyers got cold feet and are pulling out. They want their security deposit back even though contracturally, I am not obligated to give them a back a penny.

My house can't be re-listed until the purchase and sales agreement is terminated by both parties, and I am not signing anything that gives them back the deposit, and they are not signing anything if I keep the deposit.

So it looks like we'll have to tell it to the judge, which really sucks. This takes time and my house sits in limbo as I continue to make two mortgage payments. Yeah, I'm pissed.

These buyers have absolutely no right to any of that deposit and yet they want to tie me and my house up because time is on their side. I might have to call some of my Jersey boys to make them an offer they can't refuse.

Stay tuned....

to say "that sucks" is a major understatement.
Hey, we know some people in Jersey that can take care of this for you...
Ok, now I'm in suspense about how this will end
Sizzle - You have no idea the level to which this sucks.

Brooke - I could have one of my boys hold a gun to her head and assure her that her signature or her brains are gonna be on that deposit release form.

KJ - Me too!
Give them their money back and get your house back on the market.

Time is of the essence, and if the court goes in their favor YOU are the only one screwed. The deposit is probably not that much money compared to what you are losing.

That is my professional opinion. The Jersey in me also thinks you should get the boys up there regardless of the fact to let them know that you can take the boy our of Jersey, but not the Jersey out of the boy ;)
Why do people think they can sign a contract and then just back out of it like nothing ever happened? Personal responsibility goes a long way.
Greta - They can go pound sand as far as I'm concerned.

Blonde - They wanted a quick closing date and I put out extra cash to get my new house ready in time. Plus, I paid to have the septic pumped and have started opening the pool at their request. Basically, I'm out about $1500 that I wasn't planning on spending, so I'm getting the deposit. Period.

Mac - They tried pulling some BS about the manganese level in the well water being too high, but the only level set by the state is an action level, and the results were far below it. My house has been tied up for 3 weeks now and I deserve some compensation!
Word of advice... sign the papers and just release the money to get it back on the market.

I have been in this position. Several times with clients. Your court fees with be astronomical and youy can add double mortgage on top of it. It will take MONTHS and you probabky won't win as most contracts are buyer-biased.

Swallow your pride, tell them to fuck themselves, and get that hosue relisted asap!!! Trust me, you will be better off in the end Flounder!!
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