Friday, April 20, 2007
That's right folks, Casa de Flounder has been sold, and not a moment too soon. It not that I really had a problem with paying two mortgages, it's just that I....
No wait, that was the problem.
I am the common man, a blue collar worker that gets paid a decent wage for a day's work. I have no business paying over $3k a month in mortgages, plus taxes and utilities, and I have been doing so for four months.
Now the hard part comes; moving. It's hard for two reasons. The first is the obvious one, the act of moving itself. The second is a little more frightening.
You see, the new house is what you would call a fixer-upper, and it is not quite done being fixed. At this moment, it has no kitchen and no bathroom. Well, they are there, but there is no toilet, sinks, tub or cabinets. So I'm going to be busy for a little while making the place liveable.
So for now, a few random non-house-related thoughts.
Don Imus got screwed. He said something stupid, sincerely apologized, and still lost his job. He was first fired by NBC who had the balls to air that VA Tech loser's "multimedia manifesto" just a week later. Let's see how they take the moral high ground regarding Alec Baldwin now.
good for ya'll that you sold your house now take that other mortgage money and buy you some shitters
As for Imus, he's a no-talent asshat who finally got what was coming to him. And actually he was fired by CBS, not NBC.
The Alec Baldwin thing is awful, but it was a family squabble over a private phone line. It's not even in the same stratosphere as what Imus did. I can't believe you would even compare an ignorant father who said something obnoxious to his kid with a man who slammed a group of young, successful college women - who did nothing to him but succeed in their chosen sport.
Sorry, this thing pisses me off. I have 13 six year old black girls in my class. You explain to them why Imus - and others - thought it was ok to say something like that, and then come back and tell me you think he got screwed.
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