Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

OK, so I'm a little late with that salutation, but I've been wanting to post it for a few days now. I took a couple of days off this week to work on the house and take Jake to the doctor, so basically I've been slammed. In other news...

My house is officially for sale. No, not all of the work is done yet, but it will be by the end of the weekend. Well, maybe.

I am working the playoff game this weekend between the New England Patriots and my beloved New York Jets. That's right people. I will be paid to watch football once again. And one of my co-workers is bitter that he didn't get the gig, but I lined this up weeks ago when I first thought that the Jets might make the playoffs. Sorry sucker!

You can't live, work, or even visit Boston without meeting a guy named either Sully, Murph, or Fitzy. This is not a theory, it's a proven fact. I know all three.

I have been walking around lately with a case of the dumbasses. Case in point, I placed my wallet on top of the old Explorer Wednesday to strap Jake into the car seat. After he was secure, I got in the car and drove to Hartford, 50 miles from my house. We went into the doctor's office and I realized that I didn't have my wallet. That's when I remembered placing it on the roof. Thankfully, when I went back to the car after the appointment, IT WAS STILL THERE! I had wedged it in between the roof rack and the roof and somehow it didn't fall out.

I came to work today in jeans and a short sleeve t-shirt. In New England. In January. That's just not right.

Prediction time:

Jets 17
Pats 13

Eagles 31
Giants 10

Seahawks 24
Cowboys 16

Colts 38
Chiefs 34

...and remember where you got it!

4 acres. Holy crap?! No wonder you want to move?1 That's a lot of mowing...! ;)

So where are you moving TO, my dear?
Flounderlicious -

Yer Busted. =)

You can't live, work, or even visit Boston without meeting a guy named either Sully, Murph, or Fitzy. This is not a theory, it's a proven fact. I know all three.

If you are in for a high-theory academic snoozer, you might want to read on the Curley Effect. It will explain this proven fact.

Enjoy the Jets this weekend. The NFL isn't really a sport, it's more of a gamble.

I can't believe you put your MLS on your blog! You are crazy! Your taxes are so friggin cheap for the land and house! Come back to NJ and pay $7k for a condo. Fucking A.

You are right about those Irish names in New England. Im all Irish and I can vouch for your statement.

Happy New Year, Flounderlicious
I loved your Eagles Prediction!

I hope your Jets do well!! Good luck!
I hear ya bout the weather - it was 77 today in VA - completely awful - I always feel robbed in Winter, robbed I tell ya.

I'm with you on the "case of the dumbasses" - I have forgotten my keys today and also put shower gel in my head instead of shampoo - i mean squeezed it out of bottle into my hand and then my head - bypassing the loofah or body lol yes im retarded
So that's what roof racks are for.
Happy New Year!!!
Eve - We're moving to Rhode Island, about 30 miles from where we live now. As for the property, we let our neighbor's cows graze on the back three acres in exchange for a side of beef every year. It's a pretty sweet deal.

Brian - It took you long enough!

Blonde - And now you know my number one reason for not living in NJ anymore; I simply can't afford to do so.

Cinderella - Well, three out of four ain't bad. I guess that I will be pulling for the Iggles now.

Tina - I think that my these multiple cases of the dumbass are directly tied to the weather. After all, mother nature is having some problems as well.

Karla - Roof rack, wallet holder... What's the difference?

KJ - And the same back at you!
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