Thursday, November 09, 2006


Now what?

The people have spoken and the people want change. In fact, one guy that I talked to said he voted against the incumbents in every position on his ballot just for the sake of change. From listening to talk radio, I don't think that he is alone.

I am amazed that Democrats won as many seats in Congress as they did running on a platform of Vote for me because I'm not the other guy. I have heard no message other than that from any of them. They have no message, no domestic agenda, no strategy for Iraq or national security, and no plan for the economy.

I am also amazed that there are no stories in the national news about "voter intimidation", "faulty polling machines", "missing absentee ballots", "disenfranchised voters", or the dreaded "hanging chads". I guess those things only happen when Republicans win.

So start looking forward to higher taxes, more social programs, a smaller defense budget, liberal judges, human cloning, and a swift pull out from Iraq that will only embolden the terrorist to strike again. And how could I forget hearing those four little words that I have been dreading; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. On the bright side, in two years you will all remember why you booted the liberals out of Congress in 1994 and will send conservatives to Washington, including the next President John McCain.

I guess the only one who can save us now is Jake Jake!

nancy pelosi... you had to go and say those words! excuse me while i go vomit in my mouth. it is going to be a long two years of hell my friend.

p.s. - i'm votin for Jake! he is super.
glad i'm not the only one who's rather petrified of democrat control of congress.
I loved to vote for Republicans, back when they were Republicans. They're just not Republicans anymore. Sorry.

And, yeah, they've spent lots of money building our defense, but do you know what the men that defend our country get paid...they haven't seen a dime and yet they give their lives on a DAILY basis. My father spent his life defending our great country for years of his life and he would still be doing so if it weren't for his diabetes and he used to vote Republican too. But, do you know what that got him...fear...fear of losing his retirement and benefits...from none other than the Republicans in office that he voted for. I have ZERO respect for them.

They are supposed to be fiscally responsible, but I have yet to see it. We're gonna have to raise taxes to pay off a war that was started by a bunch of neo-conservative Republicans. A war that should have been averted. A war that should be taking place in Iran or North Korea where WE KNOW they have a nuclear program. Or a war that should be taking place in Syria or finishing up what we started in Afghanistan. Where the REAL terrorists live.

I've been really disolutioned by the administration under President Bush. Saddened. Really saddened and really dissapointed. I do not feel safter because of them, especailly after reading the 9/11 report. They all should have stepped down after 9/11. They made a huge mistake there, a huge mistake that could have been prevented. The information they had was out of this world. If it was a hedge fund, I would have invested millions in it.

Anyway, I just want to see some change. I want to see a country that has been divided in two start to heal and mend itself. I don't want to hear about gay marriage, abortion, and stem cells as those are not issues. They are thin veils. I want to hear about jobs and about foreign trading. I want to hear about healthcare and our children's education.

I want to see this country graduating students, not watching them drop out in record numbers. I want to see a growing workforce. I want to see more higher education funding. I want to see the boys that defend this country getting paid what they deserve and armed like they deserve to be armed when in harms way. I want to see better roadways. I want to see more states rights. I want to see the gov. handing more money to states so they can spend it how they want to spend it. I want people to stop bickering over their differences and start working together for the common good. I want big businesses to pay their fair share of taxes and not get the tax breaks that we should be getting or them paying no taxes at all. I just want what's right.
Oh, and Jake is really cute.
JAKE Jake has my vote...he is sooooooooo cute...
Jake is screamingly cute.

I heard no message from the republicans this year except fear and hate. As for you saying "They have no message, no domestic agenda, no strategy for Iraq or national security, and no plan for the economy." - the same is true for the republicans, and they have been in power for 12 years. You would think they would have an idea of what to do by now.

And yes, all those things you mention do only happen when republicans win. I'm glad you noticed that. You know why? Cause that's when it happens.

I hope we do have more liberal judges (liberal means open-minded - look it up) and more social programs. You are a Christian. Aren't you supposed to want to help your fellow man? As for higher taxes - that may be true. But how else would you propose we pay for this mess that your president got us into? Cause he and his buddies that have made billions off of it (re: Haliburton) aren't going to do it.

Did I mention how cute Jake is?
I liked the post.

and Jake is absolutely precious.
Well, we couldn't get through a comment section on this topic without mentioning the fact that Republicans are hate mongers, Christians are narrow minded, and of course, Haliburton...Classic liberal talking points...Congratulations, you did listen during the annual indoctrination tour performed by Clinton, Rangle, and Dean.

Look, the Republicans did squander some major political capital in an effort to rid the world of a few religious and tyrannical nutjobs. Only a few MILLION people have been saved and granted the privileges to vote for the first time in their lives. But, alas, democracy is NOT for everyone. I mean, the Democrats have proven that for years with their efforts to suppress minority voting...(Please see Gerry-Mandering laws in the Deep South...Yep those were Dems, guys)

As for the alleged "mess" that "my [P]resident" got us into...Please...Every single Democrat that is now against the war voted in favor of removing Saddam Hussein. Hindsight is great when you aren't the one in power.

Oh, and let's talk about jobs...4.4 percent...That is the unemployment rate as of November 9, 2006. A group of 150 economists have said that this number represents "the lowest rate of unemployment" since 1924. And our economy is considered to be above "full-employment" throughout the nation...Yeah, the job market really sucks right now...

Oh, and education and health care? Yeah, the only initiatives presented in the last six years has been those of the Republicans. Nothing from the Democrats except complaints and bickering over the pork barrel projects that weren't included in these bills...That means all of those roads with Democrat's names on them in West Virginia weren't mentioned in the bill...So, instead of voting for progress the stalled and killed ACTUAL CHANGE....

Whatever. Gas prices will continue to rise, my taxes are going to grow because the Democrats are the party of spending, and our troops will return to dishonor just as they did when Lyndon Johnson cut their ability to defend themselves in Vietnam, all while Al-Qaeda and France, freakin' FRANCE, claim victory...

God Bless America.
mgc - How do people like Pelosi and Kennedy keep getting elected?

E - The good news is that you won't be a practicing lawyer / accountant until after the 2008 election, so there is a chance that you won't have to give up 60% of your income so some fully-functional woman with 5 kids can stay home all day and live off the guvment!

Mac - There is a lot of truth in your first statement because real Republicans are supposed to be conservatives, like me.

Greta - Looks like Jake Jake will win in a landslide!

Brooke - I don't want open minded judges. I want jusdges who do what they are supposed to do and interpret the law, not make it. Legislating from the bench happens way too much already. And I do believe in helping my fellow man, but I don't think that my government should be taking my money and using in ways of which I do not approve. And yes, Jake IS damn cute, but I am still trying to figure out where the blonde hair and blue eyes came from.

Mongoose - You are truly a wise person. I can't add anything to what you said.
Yes they are and Jake gets cuter everytime I see him. Awwwwww!
All I have to say is "are we done pointing fingers yet?". And I'm talking to both sides. It's time we put our differences aside and work together and not against. That's all I have to say.
Egan - I am going to start pointing my finger at you now. YOU are what is wrong with America.

Let me explain why:

You drive a Mini Cooper, not an American-made vehicle.

You compete in the Canadian Ironman, not one in the USA.

You speak French way too well.

You play and love soccer.

I could go on, but I have work to do now.
(checking to see if you are still close to the edge...)

Holla at Jake-Jake
Very funny my man. Brooke complimented you on how you seldom insult anyone. Shame on you Flounder, shame on you. Good thing I know you're kidding.
You know I like you, Flounder. Well, maybe you don't know, so I'm telling you. You have a good sense of humor and you seem like a great father.

I was going to argue with you, but you don't give me a lot of shit on my political posts, so I won't give you much shit on this one.

I will say this: I used to have respect for John McCain, but not anymore. After what Karl Rove did to him in South Carolina in 2000, the fact that McCain embraces this administration proves to me he'll do or say anything to be elected.

I shudder in anticipation of the 2008 elections: McCain v. Hillary in a battle of the two most shameless political opportunists of our time. It makes me sick to my stomach.
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