Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tuesday Randomness

I think that this might be the coolest commercial I have ever seen. Glad to see that Otis, Marmalard and Neidermeyer are doing well.

Manny Ramirez was the leading vote-getter for the All Star Game this year, but, citing a knee injury, he has chosen not to go. He was healthy enough to play in all 19 innings of their game on Sunday, but not healthy enough to even show up in Pittsburgh? Even as a Sox fan, I'm a little ashamed of Manny on this one.

Why does soccer keep giving me reasons to hate it? First, France didn't surrender as I had predicted. Then, they determine the winner of this World Cup thing, supposedly the biggest sporting event in the world, in a shootout? Why don't they just do like hockey does in the playoffs and let them keep playing until someone scores? Finally, they award their MVP trophy to Zinedine Zidane, the bonehead that got thrown out of the championship game for taking a cheapshot at one of my Italian brethren. Did I mention that he was on the LOSING team? Ok soccer, back under your rock for four more years.

I just got a raise, and it was actually a little more than I was expecting. But my company likes to base everything on a scale with comparable industry wages, and by that scale, I am still underpaid by about 3%. Should I be happy, or a little disappointed?

I am supposed to go to Jersey for a week at the end of the month, but the woman that usually watches our house, dogs and cats will be out of town that week as well. I can't afford to board the herd, so does anyone want to house sit for me? The pay sucks, but there will be plenty of barbecue in the fridge.

I hate my new cell phone that work has provided. It's a Nokia 6102i, and the damn speaker is so small, that if you move it ever so slightly, you can't hear anything. It is, however, Blue Tooth enabled, so I may need to make a purchase.

Johnny Drama is the freaking man! And if you don't know who he is, then I actually have a pop-culture edge on someone. And that is pretty sad considering that I have never seen a single episode of Lost, Desperate Houswives, Gray's Anatomy, The Apprentice, The Soprano's, American Idol, or any other show that "everyone" seems to watch.

I'm working on a couple of "real" posts that I should have up by the end of the week. Maybe.

"I'm gonna end up workin' grill at Chili's bro."
that "theft deterrent" ad for sprint just cracks me the fuck up every time. i swear!

If I lived near you I'd watch the herd. Oh well.

I have absolutely no effing idea who Johnny Drama is. I should be ashamed of myself...I guess.
Todd - Yeah, I know, things could be worse.

Buttah - Theft deterrent is pretty damn funny, especially the first time I saw it. But I just love the Animal House scene in that Aquafina commercial, and I bet most kids watching it have no idea who Otis Day and the Knights are.

BV - Johnny Drama is a character on Entourage played by Kevin Dillon. He's a total jack off, but he's still the man!
I'm little surprised that you haven't watched at least one of those shows
We may not be meeting til next summer, my friend. Let's wait and see.

Maybe you could hire some hobo to watch your stuff. It's just stuff.
KJ - With a newborn in the house, I'm a little surprised that I have watched any shows. If it weren't for Tivo, I'd be screwed.

Brooke - The hobo idea sounds good, but it's hard to find a reliable hobo these days. I don't care about the stuff, but I don't trust just anyone with my dogs.
Flounder, my first comment was a Johnny Drama quote. Entourage is one of the best shows on TV.
Greta - I keep forgetting my damn camera at the office. I'll try to remember to bring it home tonight.

Todd - Damn, I missed that. I don't think I have ever seen anything funnier than Drama freaking out about going to the valley. I gotta hydrate bro.
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