Wednesday, July 19, 2006

More Crying, More Baseball

After my post on Monday, I received a couple of e-mails from fellow bloggers that were surprised I actually admitted to crying during Field of Dreams. Well, brace yourself, there are a couple of more movies that have the same effect on me, and I maintain, all men.

Old Yeller - To quote the great John Winger in `Stripes', "Nobody cried when Old Yeller got shot? I'm sure… I cried my eyes out!" What is more tear-jerking than a boy losing his dog? Probably nothing in this world.

Pride of the Yankees – Gary Cooper does a better job of delivering Lou Gehrig's farewell speech than Gehrig himself… And I'm a Red Sox fan! Throughout this movie, you grow to love Gehrig, for being a great son, husband and ball player. And even though you know the he is going to die, it kicks you square in the nuts when he asks, "Is it three strikes, Doc?"

Brian's Song – No, not that fraud of a remake a few years ago. I mean the original with Billy D. Williams and the great James Caan. The scene where Gayle Sayers is accepting the award and talks about his dying friend, "I love Brian Piccolo. And I'd like all of you to love him too. And so tonight, when you hit your knees, please ask God to love him." Damn, it gets me just reading it.

Something for Joey – Yes, another football movie, another relationship with a cancer victim, and another gut-wrenching award scene as Penn State's John Cappelletti receives the Heisman Trophy and tells everyone he wants Joey to have it, for inspiring him and for enduring so much difficulty with leukemia. Joey runs up to meet his brother at the podium, and there is not a dry eye in the house.

Bambi – It's obvious to me that anyone who still hunts has never seen Bambi.

The Green Mile: Seeing the child-like John Coffey actually go to the electric chair troubling to say the least. Tremendous acting all around in the Steven King classic.

Don't let them get to you flounder. All men have cried at some movie or the other. Since I have 2 daughters, the father daughter movies always get me.

Even us big guys cry, but who is going to poke fun at us for doing it??
okay here is my list

Something for Jpey...geez how could you NOT cry

Green Mile- you said it well and just for the fact that we all no he was INNOCENT...

Forrest Gump- aww Jenny!! love that one so sad

message in a bottle...sweet jesus give me abox of kleenex

and i am NOT one who cries easy
Can you say Casablanca?

And more recently, Million Dollar Baby.
don't listen to anyone, especially a man, who says he does not cry at movies or things that touch us as human beings for these individuals have no soul or character. being emotional at things such as these, show depth and the ability to be honest in being human.

i posted a similar topic and linked to your previous post. this is a really good topic.

good job, buddy.
Twisted - I don't feel bad about crying at a movie. Hell, I'm 36 years old and happily married, so I couldn't care less about what someone else thinks when it comes to something this trivial. It just got me to thinking, so I posted about it.

Greta - I forgot about Gump. He's so smart Jenny. He's so smart. Damn, that is a killer too.

Bill - I loved Million Dollar Baby, but I didn't shed a single tear. And can you believe that I have never seen Casablanca? And yes, I am embarassed. I may need to pick that one up.

mgc - see my response to Twisted. I'm heading over to check out your blog now!
I loved the Green Mile, what an amazing movie. What a good way to release! I would be more shocked if you didn't cry in any of these movies.
I cried like a little bitching in the movie theater when i saw "Lilo and Stitch," so just think about that and you'll suddenly feel a lot better :)
See, this is why I love you.
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