Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

The Good: I actually found my receipt and WalMart gave me a full refund.
The Bad: My sort-of-new 32" Sanyo HDTV just stopped working yesterday.
The Ugly: Truth is that I had the TV inside the fireplace in my living room. It was only there temporarily while I remodel my family room in the basement. It's been there since March 24th and we've not had any problems, until yesterday. It was raining so hard that the water actually came down the flue and shorted the TV out.

The Good: It's still freaking running!
The Bad: I saw a Chevy Chevette in the HOV lane this morning on my ride to the office. The ultimate shitbox!
The Ugly: My friend Alex had a Chevette when we were in college, and he used to tell girls that he had a Vette. He's a corporate lawyer now and can have just about any car he wants.

The Good: My contractor cancelled work this coming weekend, so I don't have to work and am free to go to NH for the BBQ contest.
The Bad: My wife is sick and will most likely have bronchitis by tomorrow.
The Ugly: I have a killer recipe for an apricot-braised pork chop that would probably have done well in competition, but I will probably sit out the contest and take care of my wife and son. Yeah, I know, You're supposed to take care of your family! Whaddya want a cookie?

The Good: I would live closer to my friends and family.
The Bad: I would live closer to my family.
The Ugly: The company may not even back-fill the position since we're been laying off people like crazy, so it is unlikely that I will be able to transfer to the New Jersey division.

The Good: I'm still alive!
The Bad: Eric Gregg died from a massive stroke this week. He was 55-years old, and overweight his entire life.
The Ugly: I will be 55 when my son is a senior in high school. I currently outweigh Eric Gregg. If I don't start making some changes now, I may not see him graduate.

The Good: I've just had a revelation.
The Bad: I may come up with some reason to not act on that revelation.
The Ugly: I know the consequences of doing nothing, but part of me doesn't care. I care about my son, but not about me.

Apathy sucks.

uch..the part about you caring about your son and not you?


i miss my daddy :(
We all live our life that way sweetie.

It's not just you.

Few of us do as we should.

You are being WAY too hard on yourself Floundey. WAY too hard.

I know NO one who always eats right, always exercises, always wears sunscreen, always wears their seatbelt, always works out, never drinks, eats only organic fruits and veggies.

Stop beating yourself up and start, at least, working out. Even a walk with the stoller everynight with Jake and your wifey. You'll feel better. Trust me.

Now, will you make the pork chops as a post. That sounds delicious?! ;)
I relate to the last one, completely. Except for the son part.

I hate when people give me advice on my blog when I'm just stating my feelings, so I won't give you any. Do what you want!
Wow, this was motivational :)

Good man, taking care of your wife.....

Have a great weekend
where o where do i start.

i will start by saying get busy on getting healthy. It's not for you it's for that beautiful baby boy who needs his daddy in his life.
I know it's hard, I love to eat just like the rest but there is a point in life where you just have to suck it up and do it. I was a big girl not long ago and I was determined that i was not going to let food overcome my happiness. Two pregnancies back to back didn't help either.

You can do it and if you need help or pointers on what i did and how i did it. I am here for you just email me

That's all I have to say because that is the most important.

Do we get the recipe? LOL!

I had that stuff your wife has a few weeks ago. Didn't know I had fever until I went to the doctor. He gave me some major anitibiotics and cleared it right up.

Hope you have a good weekend!
da buttah - I know that his life is more important to me thank my own, but I have to start taking better care of myself so I can be there for him.

NG - Mrs Flounder and I had a "come to Jesus" meeting last night, and we are btoh making some lifestyle changes, for his sake. I ordered my new treadmill a few minutes ago, and it was expensive, so I know that I'll use it.

Mac - Your advice is always welcome here.

KJ - Motivational? I thought that it was depressing.

Great - You are the best! I've always been bigger than just about everyone around me, so I truly don't know what the other side is like. Hell, I was 260lbs as a freshman in HS. My football coach was salivating when he met me!

Sonya - Unfortunately, they can only give her amoxicillin because she is still nursing. This thing is gonna linger.
The Good: I would live closer to my friends and family.
The Bad: I would live closer to my family.

I am so with you on that one babe! I feel your pain.
Quality of life trumps length. So ... do what ya want. However, if eating becomes a nagging guilt thing, try blogging while you eat. With the distraction, you may find you eat less. (On the other hand, you may just get crap all over your keyboard.)

One more week to go (roughly) and I can put hockey behind me. Till then ... Oilers!
See? I was right about the high fiber cereal with the skim milk.

I am now pursing my lips smugly.

Seriously, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. You didn't get to your weight overnight and you're not going to lose it overnight. I read that it takes 4 weeks of consistently doing something to make it a habit. Start small, like drinking more water, and then gradually eliminate one unhealthy habit while adding a healthly one.

And you don't have to be like the assholes I see riding their bikes past my house, decked out like Lance Armstrong with grim determination on their faces. Do something fun, like play volleyball in your back yard with your friends or something!

It's hard to break out of a rut. It's even harder if you pick a tedious and unpleasant path out of it.
dearest flounder...

where art thou? i miss thee!!
Happy Fathers Day! :)
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