Tuesday, May 16, 2006


A guy that I work with uses the phrase "turned around" a lot. It's really annoying, and conversations with him usually go something like this…

So I went to the movies the other night and I turned around and got in line for tickets. Then I turned around and bought some popcorn before we turned around and went into the theater. This kid in front of me wouldn't stop talking so I turned around and slapped him on the back of his head. We turned around and got in a fight and the usher turned around and threw us out.

There are a few phrases that I say ever day, catch-sayings that I've either made up, heard from someone else or stole from a movie. They are pre-determined responses to which I default at any time, and they probably annoy some people, too. Anyway, here are a few Flounderisms…

How's that working out for ya? – Stolen from Dr. Phil, I use this phrase when I already know the answer, and things are bad.

I'll take that under advisement. – There is no way I'm going to do what you just suggested.

Go get your shine box! – In my opinion, this is the greatest disrespectful comment that you can throw at someone. I stole it from Goodfellas, and you probably won't get it unless you've seen the movie.

I'd rather die than… - This usually prefaces something that I would dread doing, ranging from the harmless (take out the trash) to the potentially life ruining (go down on Camryn Manheim).

Yeah you are! – this usually follows someone saying something like "I'm gonna get us a couple of beers"

Look who you're asking. – This is my response when someone asks a stupid question like "Do you want another beer / slice of pizza / pulled pork sandwich."

Make it happen captain. – Simply means lets do it.

I love it when a plan comes together. – Line stolen from Hannibal of the A-Team. I use it when something good, but completely unexpected happens.

That's not gonna happen. – Self explanatory

That'll be the day. – Stolen from the Duke, John Wayne. Means essentially the same as the previous entry.

You're shittin me. – Means, are you serious?

I'm sure that there are many, many more, but I can't think of any right now. I also have a tendency to call everyone by the same moniker at times, like "Hey Bubba, wasssup?" Or "How ya doin Buddy?" Thankfully, I am not in one of those ruts right now, but it could happen at any time. It's usually when I meet a bunch of people and can't remember names.

So, do you have any sayings that are unique to you?

ok my sayings are :

You are my favorite turd and i wouldn't shit you...when someone says are you shittin me...

We are down like 4 flat tires on a pinto-meaning we best buds

That's Fucked up like a football bat- self explaination
or..that's fucked up like a steel toe flip flop...that's my favorite

that's just a few...i have so many
Greta - Steel toe flip flip is classic! I like using "four by four" to mean that everything's cool, too. You know, all square.
I only have two.

"Mommy needs her coffee!"

"Mommy needs a drink!"
Had to think about that one... I tend to say "talk to me" when pressing someone to unload a problem.
Mine is - you smell what I'm steppin' on?
Ubie - I may be stealing those in the not too distant futire.

CB - Now I am stuck with the Eurythmics in my head! Thanks for that!

Sonya - Stepping on or steppin in?
I think you mean 10,000 Maniacs, Flounder
Ubie - No, no I don't. Does Here Comes the Rain Again sound familiar?

I am the king of useless information which gives me a great advantage in the blog world.
Well, I like the expression, "Who peed in your cornflakes?" for those annoying people who whine endlessly.

The other I seem to use a lot is, "I don't think so." This is said in a dry manner when the other person has asserted something that is simply absurd.

An example may be in order.

"The San Jose Sharks will beat the Oilers."

I don't think so. And now we're off to Anaheim.

Go OILERS!!!!!!
I like to say, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." I say that a lot.
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