Monday, April 10, 2006

It's Been A While Since I've Picked on The French...

Chirac to Scrap Part of Youth Jobs Law That Caused Protests
Monday, April 10, 2006

PARIS — President Jacques Chirac on Monday threw out part of a youth labor law that triggered massive protests and strikes, bowing to intense pressure from students and unions and dealing a blow to his loyal premier in a bid to end the crisis.

Let me see if I've got this straight, a Frenchman surrendered? Noooooo Waaaay!

It sounded so nice, I said it twice.
Wow, what did the French ever do to you?
Greta - I get the feeling that you only come over here to let your evil side out. (And I love it!!) You are such the demure, scrapbooking young lady on your blog.

BV - Sorry, I only fuck those that shower regularly, and they do not qualify.

TOFK - Wanna buy a French WWII rifle? Never fired and only dropped once!

Egan - The same thing that you have ever done to me. Nothing! They are just an easy target.
Just wonderful Flounder.
I'm only french by marriage, please forgive me.
I have followed this.

*sits on stupid couch*
I knew Egan would have a problem with my "Fuck the French" comment.
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