Friday, February 10, 2006

Mother Nature is a Douche Bag

So it's been a really mild winter this year here in Connecticut, which, considering the high cost of heating oil, has been a very welcome and unexpected surprise. Lower oil bills, lower electric bills, burning less wood pellets, less snow plowing and shoveling, all good things. Another not-so-good side effect is the "thinning of the blood". It's a phenomena where your body gets used to a certain temperature and reacts severely when that temperature changes suddenly. For example, when I was in college at Florida State and would come home to NJ at Christmas, I would freeze my ass off the first few days. Eventually my body would adjust and things would be just fine. As a rule, the longer that you are in a particular climate, the longer it takes for your body to adjust (Just wait Brooke, you'll see). Obviously none of this can be proven scientifically, but this is not a science blog, so just deal.

So imagine my surprise when I went to this morning and saw that a severe winter storm is heading my way to dump 6-12" of snow on my ass this weekend. It is sunny and will be 40 degrees here today, as it has been for the past few weeks. When I post on Monday morning, my lawn could be under a foot of snow.

So much for global warming.

We are suppose to get that winter storm as well this weekend.
We have had really crazy weather too. It is 54 today and raining and supose to maybe snow this weekend. What is up with that?
PPP - Where are you?

Sonya - Snow in Texas is just plain wrong.

Mac - Enough with the "be glad you're not pregnant" bullshit. This pregnancy has been harder on me than her, that's for sure.
ice really, not snow

That'll shut the metroplex down for a week!
if we get a "snow day" I can go white-trash sledding down flag-pole hill - that is a hilarious story.

Several friends loaded up in a huge SUV and we took server trays (the large trays used to bring your food out at a restaurant) to this park. The park is called flag-pole hill b/c it is a GIGANTIC hill and there is a flag-pole at the top (how ironic I know). So this was all at night and some guy found a piece of plexi-glass and decided to use that as his sled. He was probably drunk + stoned + stupid = moron to the 10th power. He started down the hill very cautiously then started soaring...he was reaching a top speed of f-ing fast....then, this is the good part (or gross part) his face was introduced to a TREE. He was sledding face first, so his face was the first thing to stop his f-ing speed. He walked up and told us all he was fine and didn't need to go the ER. I told him his eyebrow was hanging OFF - yes, his EYEBROW WAS DANGLING! He was still trying to convince us he was "ok". I had to take a picture of his gaping wound and show him the digital image before he would agree to our efforts to get him medical attention.

it was nastae!

haha!! I hate snow I hate everything about it. But better then you all then us :) Although they are saying we are suppose to get dumped next week sigh
Have a good weekend!
This will be the real first snow for us so far this winter. I am excited for it because the kids are so excited about it.

Also, I do not have to shovel.
Yes, I saw that today. It's gonna trundle over you and head into the Maritimes. Meanwhile, way up here where it's supposed to be cold and snowing ... it ain't.

But you're right. In November, if the temperature hits the freezing mark you think you're going to die. In January, it hits the freezing mark and you wonder if you need to bother with a coat. The body adjusts.
It was nearly 30oC here today, and I spent it on the beach... just saying! ;)
It was 49 degrees here yesterday morning. I loved it! And I'm jealous you are getting snow. I miss curling up by the fire, the quiet of the snow, the smell of it....I'm getting veklempt.
It's Monday and cold. Brrrr!
how was the storm? are ear deep in it?

I guess we're suppose to get some Friday but nothing like what you all are getting thank god
Ames - We did the same thing when I was at FSU, minus the tree face plant.

Phats - Your time will come my friend.

TG - Lucky you!

Bill - I am presently freezing my ass off and snow is everywhere. I can't wait until spring!

CB - IS that an invitation?

Brooke - I am sure that you will get your fill next winter.

Shannon - Where are you in PA? I heard Philly got hit hard.

Sonya - Wanna cuddle?

Mac - Yes. Yes it is.

Phats - I hope you get pounded!
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