Monday, February 13, 2006

Anybody got a plow?

Well, she hit and she hit hard and fast. When I woke up yesterday morning, there was only about 4" of snow on the ground, so I thought that we had escaped her fury. Six hours later and there was two feet of snow on the ground! Mrs. Flounder better get her ass out there and start shoveling! (Just kidding, she can take her time and get to it after she has some lunch.)

Being stuck inside, I finished all of the carpentry work in the nursery. Though I am sure that no one would confuse my work with Bob Villa's, I think that it came out pretty good. And wood putty hides a multitude of sins. All that is left is installing a ceiling fan and painting. I will pick up the rest of the furniture this weekend and my job in there will be complete. Then it's up to Mrs Flounder to decorate.

The picture above is of the gazebo in my back yard which apparently won't be used for a few more months. Truthfully, it probably won't be used much then either because the cows out back tend to stink in the summer. Oh well, it looks nice.

I am so loving the pictures of the snow round the blogosphere. Looks like the perfect excuse to stay in and cuddle!
CB - Or, go out and hurt your back shoveling the snow!
The gazebo and snow are beautiful. I'm jealous. You even have cows? LOL! I'm sure it feels good to have your project completed. What will be the next one?
Sonya - My neighbor has cows, and he gives me a side of beef every year to let them graze on my property. Plus, I don't have to mow those 4 acres, so it's a win win.

He wanted to give me a live cow, but I knew that my wife would put a bell around it's neck, give it a name and it would die of old age. There is no way she would let me have it processed.
Ohhhhhh... pretty!!
I haven't experienced that kind of snow since I lived back in Ottawa. We get snow here in Alberta (well, maybe not this year - so far) but rarely the same kind. Anyone unfamiliar with snow, and the various kinds, may not be aware of how freakin' heavy that snow you got is due to the moisture. Here, being so far from large bodies of water and with an elevation way, way up, the snow that falls tends to be lighter, finer.

Anyway ... glad I'm not shovelling that snow.
NG - It's only pretty if you don't have to shovel it.

Bill - Once again, you hit it right on the head. My wife's cousin was visiting from Lake Tahoe and couldn't believe how heavy the snow was. He said that a shovel full of snow in Tahoe weighs about half as much as here. Also, 30 degrees here feels a hell of a lot colder than 30 degrees in Tahoe for the same reason. Humidity doesn't only bite you in the summer my friend.
we totally got douched with snow
Snow is always so pretty when it first falls......then the dirt and slush and ice form and it makes me wanna go up to one of those cute lil snowmen and rip it's head off and shove the carrot right up it's........
Oh...sorry about that outburst !!
Nice pic. So did you build the gazebo too with patches of wood putty? hehe ;)
Yeah, I have been a lot colder out east than I have been here in the west even though in terms of actual temperature readings it has been colder here. And I remember shovelling that snow ... ugh. Anyway, I can understand why the Inuit have about 20 or 30 different words for snow. It ain't all the same.
Zone - Since you are a dragon, do you just breathe some fire and clear your driveway, or do you actually have to shovel it?

Shan - Little Jake will be completely oblivious to the room and all the hours of labor that I have put into it. But my wife knows, and she is happy so life is good.

Spy - Right there with you. My driveway looks all nice until I drive over it a few times, and all of the tread marks freeze and I need to go four-wheeling just to leave the house.

Tina - Had I built the gazebo, it would be laying on the ground, crushed by the massive amount of snow on top of it.

Bill - I don't know why, but every time that I read a post or comment of yours, your voice in my head sounds like Keith Olberman. Do you sound like that guy?
LOL @ Flounder about the wife putting the bell around the cow.

Happy V-day!
I didn't know who Keith Olberman was so I had to look him up online - I recognize his face but can't remember what he sounds like so I don't know. My guess is no. One of the reasons I like writing is because I sound inarticulate and moronic verbally.

Though with a script I could probably sound half-assed intelligent. But really, I'm an idiot. There are a lot of "uhhhs" when I talk.
flounder - the gazebo looks nice. The cow smell can be disgusting, especially when you live right in front of it? Sonya says you lived in Arlington for a stint - did you transplant the cows or were they there with the house?
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