Friday, January 13, 2006
The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round

That is unless they are the wheels on a school bus, in which case they go round and stop, round and stop, round and stop. Now I have nothing against kids or school or even busses, but things have changed quite a bit since I was a kid. I don't want to sound like the "When I was a kid, we had to walk barefoot for three miles to school, in the snow, up hill, both ways" guy, but I remember the trek to school being a little different than this.
The school bus in front of me this morning stopped at seven out of nine houses in a row to pick up kids. Door to door service. Why don't they just use limousines? I remember having to walk three blocks to the "Bus Stop" where I waited with all of the other neighborhood kids for the pick-up. Apparently this whole concept has been abandoned in my town.
Worse yet, these kids waited in their houses for the bus, so the driver had to wait for the little bastards to come walking, not running, out to catch the bus. We froze our asses off waiting on the corner for the bus, and if you missed it, you missed it. There was none of this "let's wait for little Billy to come out" bullshit!
Then, after each kid got on, a woman got off the bus and checked in front of and behind the bus, got back on, and went to the next house where the process started all over again. Now I can understand checking in front of the bus because you don't want to run little Sally over when she is just trying to get to school, but why check behind the bus? Don't they trust me to not hit little Johnny if he is straggling behind? I have no doubt that this practice is the result of litigation somewhere.
Ten Minutes! That is how long it took me to go one freaking block!! Then, when I could finally pass this orange, time-wasting, Blue Bird bus, I got pulled over for speeding. I was so pissed that I just ranted at one of Rhode Island's finest, and he had mercy on me and let me go with a warning. I think I might have scared him a little.
What a way to start a Friday! Friday the thirteenth nonetheless! Ugggh!
Side Note: (This is the second time this week that the ghost of Chris Farley has visited my blog. I wonder what he wants...)
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Then why doesn't he go to your blog?
Maybe he knows of your obsession with the Flounderman and figures it's only a matter of time until you stop by The Delta House. That way, he can keep your forbidden, posthumous love a secret from your visitors, thus allowing you to get action in the here and now!
Or maybe he is just lost.
Maybe he knows of your obsession with the Flounderman and figures it's only a matter of time until you stop by The Delta House. That way, he can keep your forbidden, posthumous love a secret from your visitors, thus allowing you to get action in the here and now!
Or maybe he is just lost.
The ritualistic check behind the bus does seem a little like Captain Safety needs to take a chill pill...What, there might be somebody waterskiing back there??
Or terrorists on roller skates hanging on??
That said, I don't know what Chris Farley wants--we had better call The 'Blog Whisperer.
Or terrorists on roller skates hanging on??
That said, I don't know what Chris Farley wants--we had better call The 'Blog Whisperer.
I hate school buses. Oh wait. I work at a school....
Chicky..I was in Australia when that happened. I remember it well.
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Chicky..I was in Australia when that happened. I remember it well.
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