Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Take Those Lights Down!!

Ok, so it's January 4th, and my neighbor still has his obnoxious technicolor Christmas lightshow all over his house. Now I'm no Scrooge, but Christmas was 10 days ago! Shouldn't there be a limit on this Christmas joy? I think so, and that is why I have made a list of rules for decorating at Christmas...

  1. No Christmas decorations or music until December 1st. I am so sick WalMart selling Christmas decorations next to their Halloween candy and radio stations playing Christmas music starting in the middle of November. Patience grasshopper!
  2. All decorations must be taken down by January 2nd. Actually, I prefer January 1st, but I have taken into account the hangover factor and have been merciful here.
  3. No mixing large and small Christmas lights. Pick one or the other, don't be greedy!
  4. Put light colors together that match. Red, green and white lights look great together, but throw in some blue, and your house looks like a kaleidoscope!
  5. Leave your inflatable decorations inflated 24/7. Daytime in my neighborhood looks like someone did a drive-by, with all of the sagging Santas and snowmen. If you are worried about your electric bill, then don't try to recreate Storybook Land on your front lawn!
  6. Absolutely no Paris Hilton displays!

That's not so difficult now, is it?

So here I am reading your blog for the first time. Yes, the everlasting Christmas light displays are tiresome. Nothing says notice me like a shitload of Christmas lights. I love those inflatable snowglobes. They are my new favorite Christmas display.
Thanks for stopping by Egan!

I put the candles in the windows and wreaths on the doors, like most "New England" homes, but that is it. Anything more would take too much damn time and effort.
Storybook Land!!! Where all the best birthday parties were! Oh I feel all nostalgic now.
I knew that only a few people would get that reference. Glad that you were one of them.
Dec 1 is too generous for Christmas music! I suggest 15-25th because come Christmas Day and if I hear one more carol, I'm gonna...cover my ears and do the la la la song!
ChickyBabe - please settle down. I am observing you.
The later, the better, I agree. There is a radio station up here that plays Christmas songs 24/7 from Nov 15th until Christmas. What an absolute ass whipping!
Alright - I officially closed the door on the orgy. Well my participation in it at least.
Wasilla or bust!
I'm in dude.
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